DUI Lawyer in Worcester, Massachusetts

We Provide Powerful and Compelling Legal Defense Against DUI Charges

Were you recently arrested for a DUI or other drug or alcohol-related offense? If so, your future could be on the line. A DUI charge can jeopardize your driving privileges, finances, family life, and career. Before you go any further with your case, contact Gregory Casale Attorney at Law. We offer aggressive and effective legal defense against DUI charges.

Massachusetts enacts tough laws against driving under the influence. Prosecuting attorneys often go for the maximum sentence, which can include license suspension, stiff fines, or even jail time. You need an experienced legal team in your corner that can give you the best possible outcome for your DUI case. Contact us today to get started with your case.

Call our law firm or fill out the contact form to get a FREE initial consultation from a DUI lawyer in Worcester, Massachusetts.

DUI Cases We Take On in Massachusetts

No two DUI cases are alike. Each case has extenuating circumstances that might result in reduced charges or a lesser sentence. Although we are an established firm with over 20 years of experience, we give your case the attention it deserves. Our legal team takes on a wide range of DUI cases, including

  • Alcohol or drug-related accidents

  • Alcohol or drug-related injuries

  • First-time and multiple offenders

  • Underage drinking

  • False breathalyzer results

  • Improper arrest procedure

We listen to your story, assess your case, and develop a legal strategy that helps you beat the DUI charge or lessens your sentence.

Protect Your License and Future

Get Legal Support

My DUI Case Is Cut-and-Dry. Why Do I Need a DUI Lawyer?

First, there is no such thing as a cut-and-dry DUI case. If you were intoxicated during your arrest, you may not have a clear memory of the events. Second, if you were below the legal limits or if the arresting officer made a mistake with your arrest, it’s up to the prosecution to establish your guilt. 

There is another reason why your case is not clear-cut. Under Massachusetts Law, you may incur the following penalties for a DUI:

  • One year probation (Total Probation Cost: $780)

  • Driver’s Alcohol Education Program (Cost: $567.22. 1 Hr. class once a week/16 weeks)

  • States fines/fees: $600

  • License Suspension 45- 90 days

  • Immediate hardship license consideration (in most cases)

At Gregory Casale Attorney at Law, we never take a cut-and-dry approach to any DUI case. We fight to protect your rights and lessen your sentence. In many cases, we can work with the prosecutor to have charges dismissed. The courts may try to convince you that you can do nothing about your charges or penalties. We disagree. Before you give up, contact a drunk driving lawyer to explore your options.

How We Help You With Your Case

We give your case the attention it deserves by using our extensive experience, knowledge, and resources. What can you expect from Gregory Casale Attorney at Law?

Guide Your Through the Litigation

If you’ve never been arrested or been to court, you are likely to make errors that can hurt your case. We guide you through the legal process and help you avoid mistakes. We answer your questions and keep you informed about the progress of your case and what you can expect.

Conduct A Thorough Investigation

We go back and look at the circumstances that led to your arrest. We pull arrest records, view video footage, and speak with eyewitnesses. We scrutinize the arrest procedures to look for errors. We may also hire expert witnesses.

Represent You in Court

You should never have to defend yourself against a DUI charge. With proper legal representation, you may get a better outcome. Our legal team represents you and communicates with all relevant parties on your behalf. We advocate for you and ensure that your rights are protected under Massachusetts law.

Try to Lighten Your Sentence

The court may grant leniency if this is your first offense with no priors. We negotiate a deal with the prosecuting attorney and the judge to lessen or dismiss your sentence. We may be able to reduce your jail sentence, fines, or suspension.

Get a Free Consultation from a DUI Attorney in Worcester, Massachusetts

Don’t let a DUI charge ruin your life. Contact Gregory Casale Attorney at Law to discuss your arrest and explore your legal options. We fight for the rights of DUI defendants. Call or fill out our online contact form to get a free consultation from a DUI lawyer in Worcester.